Officiant Landis Pettus

I'm glad you've taken the time to get to know a little about me. Hopefully
after reading this I'll have the opportunity to get to know a little about you
and we can start the process of telling your LOVE STORY!
Growing up I will honestly say that I was never a fan of weddings. Not because I
didn't believe in LOVE or MARRIAGE, but because they were too formulaic, too one note,
too predictable and all too serious. But who was I to judge what worked for those couples.
It wasn't until I lived a little that I learned to appreciate the differences that we all have when
it comes to weddings. We come from different walks of life. What is the norm for one person
may be the complete opposite for another. LOVE transcends all. What makes weddings so
special is that the couple is in control of how they wish to share their LOVE for each other with
their friends and family. That's where I come in!
I'll never forget the very first wedding I officiated. The FEELING I had knowing that I united that
couple on their terms was something I never experienced before. The joy that couple had on their faces
after their pronouncement, was unforgettable. Of all the weddings I attended or participated in prior to
becoming an officiant, I never shed a tear, but for some reason being a part of the ceremony in this
capacity, brought a tear to my eyes knowing they were this in LOVE and I helped in making it official.
My goal as your officiant is to allow you to be yourself on your wedding day. If that means a
traditional wedding, I've got you covered. If that entails a super casual Disney-themed wedding,
sign me up! My company is named Formal Knot Formal for a reason!
Enough about me, now what about you?
Let's talk about your wedding!